Oh my goodness, I got back from being on vacation to find that two wonderful ladies have left me the Versatile Blogger Award.
Thank you's go out to Jamie over at JME Creations and Jenn at Craftyful Gardens or this great blog award. Thanks Ladies!!!

Here are the rules for this award:
1. Thank the person who sent it to you
2. Tell 7 things about yourself
3. Send this to 15 bloggers
1. Thank the person who sent it to you
2. Tell 7 things about yourself
3. Send this to 15 bloggers
7 things about me:
1- I love to travel
2-My favorite color is blue
3-I have just started to use stamps in the last 8 months on and have purchased way too many stamps sets since.
4- I am a full time corporate meeting planner
5-I enjoy the spring when my perennial gardens are just starting to wake up
6-I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes
7-I love peanut butter M&M's
15 Blogs that I love to visit ( there are many more I love to visit, but we will keep it to the 15)
http://www.thecricutcorner.com/Please check out all these fabulous blogs they truly do inspire.
Thank you to everyone who follows my blog and if you don't at this time, I would love to have you join the "Bug" family!
Hi Barb! Thanks so much for passing the award on to me! You're so sweet! I really appreciate it! ...by the way I LOOOVE peanut butter M&M's too! :)
Thanks for passing along the blog award!! I appreciate it!! By the way, I love your new blog design, it's so cute, and I love all your projects! Thanks again!!
You are SOOOOO welcome, Barb! :)
Hey Barb, No way! This award is so pretty... Thank you so much. You are so sweet to think of me! I am so glad you visit my blog and I enjoy all of your creations, too! Thanks for making my day!
Thanks so much, Barb! You are so sweet to pass this on to me. Congrats on your award!
Thanks for passing this award on to me! BTW I LOVE the new look, so cute!
Awww! You are too sweet, Barb! Thank you so much for the award! I think I may have to get some peanut butter M&Ms now!
Saundra :)
Congrats on the award! I am a new follower.
Congratulations on your award, Barb! And thank you so much for thinking of me. What a lovely treat to have this passed along!! I enjoyed reading about you, too. How interesting that you are a corporate meeting planner. That sounds like a fun job - and far more exciting than mine!!
Thanks so much for passing this award on to me, Barb! You are so sweet! By the way, your Easter eggs are AMAZING! Sooooo gorgeous!
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